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CIPPE tour and internal training course for Talents program

Backbone talents are key for sustainable development of the company. The task of young talents is to practice and carry forward enterprise values, focus on achieving business objectives, including fulfilling customer needs and value proposition, promote continuous improvement culture, inspire teams to establish learning atmosphere, support quality and sustainable development of the company. 

After the first group training in April and on-the-job strengthening in May, visible improvement can be found from 9 young talents, in their understanding of their tasks, and their ability and confidence to achieve the tasks.

On June 9, we gathered together in Beijing again, paid a tour to the petroleum equipment exhibition, and completed the training of “performance oriented collaborative leaders”.

The annual world oil and gas industry event - China International Petroleum and petrochemical technology and Equipment Exhibition (cippe) focuses on the deep integration of new technologies, new products, new schemes and new applications such as oil, natural gas, smart oil fields and drilling and production equipment. A total of 1800 enterprises participated in the exhibition. This year, summit discussions, product promotion meetings, technical exchanges and other activities were held around the theme of "accelerating digital transformation to create a new engine for high school development".

On June 10, the trainees participated in the training of “performance oriented collaborative leaders”. The purpose of the course is to make the trainees become competent in solving complex problems in complex situations and become collaborative leaders that enterprises can rely on in VUCA world.

Collaborative leaders with agility must master four abilities: clarifying meaning and value, building trust and autonomy, setting up a framework for effective collaboration, and practicing innovation and entrepreneurship.                                                

