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QHSE system

According to the requirements of ISO9001-2015, ISO14001-2015, ISO45001-2018 and SY/T6276-2014 standards, and in combination with the characteristics of the oil and gas industry, the company has established and implemented a quality, health, safety and environment management system for drilling and completion, production technical services, product provision and engineering construction, including the required processes and their interactions, to comprehensively improve the operation level of the quality, health, safety and environment management system.

In the process of establishing, implementing, reviewing and improving the quality, health, safety and environment management system, we adhere to:

  1. Comply with laws, regulations, standards, specifications and other requirements (customers and interested parties) related to quality, health, safety and environment

  2. Determine the basic management process of QHSE management system, clarify the sequence and interaction of management processes, and ensure the effective operation of process management

  3. To implement QHSE management system, realize the company's policies and objectives, provide resources and information including human resources, infrastructure, working environment and funds, and ensure their effective utilization

  4. Determine the procedures, standards and methods required to ensure the effective operation and control of the management process, formulate corresponding requirements and regulations, and form systematic system documents

  5. Strengthen the identification of hazards and environmental impact factors in the production and operation of the company, the evaluation of risks and environmental impact, risk reduction and control management, and ensure the health of employees, pollution prevention and personal and asset safety

  6. Carry out monitoring, measurement, analysis and review of process performance, and adhere to management review and external audit to ensure the effectiveness of quality, health, safety and environmental management system. Implement necessary corrective and preventive measures to achieve the company's vision and sustainable development goals and targets

  7. Promote PDCA circular development management mode, plan, implement, inspect and improve, maintain the effectiveness and applicability of the system, and realize continuous improvement and development:

  • Planning: establish the required objectives, indicators and processes to achieve the desired results of the organization's quality, health, safety and environment policies

  • Implementation: manage or control the process by procedures, and implement the required human, material, financial, working environment and other resources

  • Inspection: monitor and measure customer satisfaction, process, HSE performance and system according to commitments, policies, objectives and indicators, laws, regulations and other requirements, and analyze monitoring results

  • Improvement: take corrective and preventive measures to continuously improve the performance of the quality, health, environmental management system
